BIRTHFIT Birth Prep Course
Based on our experiences as mothers, doulas, and coaches, we created a birth education course that is straight to the point. With no fluff, we offer up a foundation from which you can dive deeper into self discovery and birth preferences in order to set up practices and be in action around the birth you desire.
Course Objectives:
- Discover what it means to train in season for birth and embrace a MINDSET SHIFT.
- Understand the benefits of exercising during pregnancy plus training guidelines & physiological adaptations.
- Tools to support monitoring and tracking and trusting your intuition.
- Discussion on modifications and adaptations for each trimester.
- Understanding the Polyvagal Theory, Your Nervous System, and utilizing
- Breath, Sound, and Movement as Your Tools.
- Get clear on how to support a dynamic and stable Core and Pelvic Floor via breath.
- Tips and Tools to support healing with Core and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
- Getting clear on your VALUES and CREATING YOUR TEAM.
- Designing your BIRTH PREFERENCES.
- Discussing Routine and Common Practices.
- Discovering the importance of the CRITICAL PERIOD.
- Embracing and planning for POSTPARTUM HEALING.
This is a four module course in which you complete on your own time. Upon purchase date you will have access to the program for two years.